<OL> and </OL>


This tag defines the start and end of an ordered (numbered) list.


Compress the space taken by the list.
Continue numbering from previous list.
Begin the list at the specified number.
Begin the list at the specified number.
For ordered lists, indicates the type of numbering scheme. Can have the following values:


A Upper case alphabetic (A-Z)
a Lower case alphabetic (a-z)
I Upper case roman numeric
i Lower case roman numeric
1 Numeric


    <LI>Speak - Fanmail: A new fanmail has been posted.
    <LI>Speak - Poll: A new poll! The grand finale in our search for your 
        favorite Jet Li movie! 
    <LI>Balance - Remembrances: A new Jet story!  

An example of an ordered list.

  1. Speak - Fanmail: A new fanmail has been posted.
  2. Speak - Poll: A new poll! The grand finale in our search for your favorite Jet Li movie!
  3. Balance - Remembrances: A new Jet story!
<Ol TYPE="i">
    <LI>Speak - Fanmail: A new fanmail has been posted.
    <LI>Speak - Poll: A new poll! The grand finale in our search for your 
        favorite Jet Li movie! 
    <LI>Balance - Remembrances: A new Jet story!  

An example of an ordered list with roman numeric numbering.

  1. Speak - Fanmail: A new fanmail has been posted.
  2. Speak - Poll: A new poll! The grand finale in our search for your favorite Jet Li movie!
  3. Balance - Remembrances: A new Jet story!