<META name googlebot>


Generally you should not need to worry about which pages within your site are indexed by the Google search engine (which uses the Googlebot spider). By default, Google will attempt to spider every page you have on your site.

Occasionally there are valid reasons why you do not want this to occur.  Perhaps you have a slideshow presentation which needs to be viewed from start to finish. It would be awkward for someone to be dumped in the middle of the presentation.

In this case, you can use the ROBOTS metatag to control the behavior of all spiders, and the GOOGLEBOT Metatag to control exactly which pages are indexed by Google.


<meta name="Googlebot" content="text">
text is one of the following four combinations.
all Same as index,follow.
index,follow The default, meaning index the page and follow all links from the page.
noindex, follow don't index the page but do follow all links from the page.
index,nofollow index the page, but do not proceed to the links from the page.
noindex,nofollow do not index the page and do not proceed to links from the page.
none same as noindex,nofollow.
nosnippet From Google help: "A snippet is a text excerpt from the returned result page that has all query terms bolded. The excerpt allows users to see the context in which search terms appear on a web page, before clicking on the result. Users are more likely to click on a search result if it has a corresponding snippet." This value of NOSNIPPET removes the text snippet.
noarchive From Google help: "Google keeps the text of the many documents it crawls available in a cache. This allows an archived, or "cached", version of a web page to be retrieved for your end users if the original page is ever unavailable (due to temporary failure of the page's web server). The cached page appears to users exactly as it looked when Google last crawled it. The cached page also includes a message (at the top of the page) to indicate that it's a cached version of the page."

"If you want to prevent all robots from archiving content on your site, use the NOARCHIVE meta tag."


<meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="noindex,nofollow">

Don't index the current page, and do not continue following links from the page.