Escape Sequences


Sometimes it is necessary to display special HTML reserved characters as text. In order to do this you must use an escape sequence. Standard characters are shown in Numeric And Special Graphics Sequences and extended characters are in the table ISO Latin Escape Sequences.

Escape sequences begin with the ampersand character (&), followed by the sequence, and ending with a semi-colon. If you end the sequence with a space instead, a space will be inserted after the special character. Semi-colon does not insert the space.




He was a "big man" on campus.

This is how you would insert double quotes. The output looks as follows:

He was a "big man" on campus.

Numeric And Special Graphics Sequences

The special sequences are shown below.


lt &lt; Less than sign <
gt &gt; Greater than sign >
amp  &amp; Ampersand  &
quot &quot; Double quote sign "
  &reg;   ®
  &copy;   ©

ISO Latin Escape Sequences:

A table of the ISO Latin escape sequences is shown below. This is from the document Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0, September 22, 1995.

AElig   &#198; capital  Æ
Aacute  &#193; capital A, acute accent Á
Acirc   &#194; capital A, circumflex accent Â
Agrave  &#192; capital A, grave accent À
Aring   &#197; capital A, ring Å
Atilde  &#195; capital A, tilde  Ã
Auml    &#196; capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ä
Ccedil  &#199; capital C, cedilla Ç
ETH     &#208; capital Eth, Icelandic Ð
Eacute  &#201; capital E, acute accent É
Ecirc   &#202; capital E, circumflex accent Ê
Egrave  &#200; capital E, grave accent È
Euml    &#203; capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Ë
Iacute  &#205; capital I, acute accent Í
Icirc   &#206; capital I, circumflex accent Î
Igrave  &#204; capital I, grave accent Ì
Iuml    &#207; capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ï
Ntilde  &#209; capital N, tilde Ñ
Oacute  &#211; capital O, acute accent Ó
Ocirc   &#212; capital O, circumflex accent Ô
Ograve  &#210; capital O, grave accent Ò
Oslash  &#216; capital O, slash Ø
Otilde  &#213; capital O, tilde  Õ
Ouml    &#214; capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark  Ö
THORN   &#222; capital THORN, Icelandic  Þ
Uacute  &#218; capital U, acute accent  Ú
Ucirc   &#219; capital U, circumflex accent Û
Ugrave  &#217; capital U, grave accent Ù
Uuml    &#220; capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ü
Yacute  &#221; capital Y, acute accent Ý
aacute  &#225; small a, acute accent á
acirc   &#226; small a, circumflex accent â
aelig   &#230; small ae diphthong (ligature) æ
agrave  &#224; small a, grave accent à
aring   &#229; small a, ring å
atilde  &#227; small a, tilde ã
auml    &#228; small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ä
ccedil  &#231; small c, cedilla  ç
eacute  &#233; small e, acute accent é
ecirc   &#234; small e, circumflex accent ê
egrave  &#232; small e, grave accent è
eth     &#240; small eth, Icelandic ð
euml    &#235; small e, dieresis or umlaut mark ë
iacute  &#237; small i, acute accent í
icirc   &#238; small i, circumflex accent î
igrave  &#236; small i, grave accent ì
iuml    &#239; small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ï
ntilde  &#241; small n, tilde ñ
oacute  &#243; small o, acute accent ó
ocirc   &#244; small o, circumflex accent ô
ograve  &#242; small o, grave accent  ò
oslash  &#248; small o, slash ø
otilde  &#245; small o, tilde õ
ouml    &#246; small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ö
szlig   &#223; small sharp s, German (sz ligature) ß
thorn   &#254; small thorn, Icelandic þ
uacute  &#250; small u, acute accent  ú
ucirc   &#251; small u, circumflex accent û
ugrave  &#249; small u, grave accent ù
uuml    &#252; small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ü
yacute  &#253; small y, acute accent ý
yuml    &#255; small y, dieresis or umlaut mark ÿ