Ah, now we finally get to the fun stuff. If you ask someone why they surf the web, many times they will tell you they like looking at graphics. While what someone is saying on the web is important, it is the graphics which attract most people to sites. All right, this is a long tutorial, so let's just plunge right in. We'll use the following graphic image as an example for these exercises. An important thing to remember about HTML is it is just text. There is no such thing as a graphic HTML document. What an HTML document contains is tags, specifically the <IMG> tag, which contain the location of the image. Thus as page with a hundred images is actually a page with 100 <IMG> tags, which contain the locations (URLs) of each image. This implies there are 101 different files (assuming each image is different). Okay, so what this all boils down to is that wonderful, beautiful, seamlessly designed web page is actually dozens or even hundreds of different files, each of which can be anywhere on the internet. To include in image is very simple. You use the <IMG> tag, as shown in the example below.
This results in the image being inserted at the current location in the document.
It's more professional to specify the size of a graphic when you include it on your page. This allows the browser to "pre-allocate" the space on the screen. This enables the browser to load the image more optimally, and it makes your web page look smoother. This produces the effect shown below, before the graphic is loaded. Without specify the size, the browser initially allocates some default size on the screen, then changes it after the graphic is loaded. Believe me, this looks very tacky.
The example below shows how to set the size of the graphic.
If you have taken the graphic off a web page, you can use the browser to get the width. In Internet Explorer, right click on the graphic and select "Properties" from the popup menu. This will show the size of the graphic in pixels. The next thing you need to understand is many people surf without graphics. In order to provide for their needs, you should always specify some alternative text to be displayed if the graphic image cannot be found or is not displayed. This is done using the ALT argument to the <IMG> tag. And example is shown below. <img src="antelope_S.gif" width="95" height="66" alt="This is a deer"> If someone surfs without images or if the image cannot be found, this results in the following display. You can see how helpful this is if the image is not displayed. Now you can play with the alignment of the image. You can display the image to the right, left or center. This has the added benefit that the text flows around the image, which can make a page look very slick indeed. Here is the code to right justify an image. <img src="antelope_S.gif" width="95" height="66" alt="This is a deer" align="right">
Here is the code you need to use to display the image to the left. <img src="antelope_S.gif" width="95" height="66" alt="This is a deer" align="left">
If desired, you can give the image a nice border using the BORDER attribute.
This looks pretty good, eh? I think that's enough for this tutorial. To learn more about graphics, see "Graphics", "GIF images", "JPG images", "PNG images" and "BMP images". To find out some of the things you should NOT do with images, see "Mistakes with Graphics". |