Start up Notepad. This will present you with a completely empty document. The first thing you will need to learn is the concept of tags. What's a tag? These are simply instructions to the browser (like Internet Explorer or Netscape) which tell it what to do. Most tags have a beginning element and an ending element. All tags must begin with the less than sign (<) and end with the greater than sign (>). <HTML>The first tag you will use is the one that defines the whole document. This is the <HTML> tag. Simply add the following to your blank document:
This simply says you have a document written in the HTML language, and it defines the start and end of the page. <HEAD>Next you need to add a header section to your document by inserting the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. This defines information that the browser uses to define characteristics about your page. These include the title of the document and lots of other information that you do not need to concern yourself with now. Once you insert your heading, your Notepad HTML document will appear as follows.
<TITLE>Okay, now you want to give your page a title. This appears in the upper left hand corner of your browser, and it is used by many search engines to define the name of your page. To define the title, simply insert the <TITLE> tag between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. An example is included below.
<BODY>Finally, you need to define the main portion of the document, known as the body. This is began by the <BODY> tag and ended by the </BODY> tag. This section will contain everything that your visitors will see.
Your document should look like this at this point.
That's about it for lesson one. You have created a simple HTML document. To see your creation, save the document to your hard drive. If you are using Notepad, choose the file menu and select "Save As...". Enter a file name such as "lesson1.htm" (without the quotation marks). To make finding the sample document easier, I would suggest you just save it to the desktop. If you double-click on this file your browser will start up and display your new creation. It should look something like the sample below.
Of course, if you are using Netscape or another browser this will look slightly different. Notice the title in the upper left "My document is about roller coasters" which you created with the <TITLE> tag. |